fall in decoy
a beggar who had tried many ways of getting money at last
decided to pretend to be dumb a man who passed the beggar
as he sat in the street knew him by sight . going up to him
suddenly , he asked '' how long have you been dumb ?'' the
beggar was taken by surprise , and quite forgetting that he
must not speak , he answered at once '' ever since i was
...a baby'' and thankfully
الترجمة / حاول شحات بعدة طرق للحصول على المال قرر اخيرا
ان يتظاهر بأنه اخرس مر رجل بذلك الشحات وهو جالس في الشارع
وعرفه فذهب اليه عند رؤيته وفاجأه بهذا السؤال"منذ متى وانت اخرس؟" ولان الشحات فوجئ بالسؤال نسي انه يجب عليه ان لا يتكلم
لانه اخرس فاجاب"منذ ان كنت صغيرا"وشكرا...
اميــــــــــــــــــــــــــر الاوراس